Options - Year 10

BACA Options - Year 10 

KS4 Courses

Some courses are compulsory and all students will study them, these include English (language and literature), Maths, PE, and Citizenship. In Science students will be offered the double or the triple award based on prior attainment.  If you are keen to study the triple award, speak to Mr. Davies, Principal on Options evening.

All students will choose one of the two humanities subjects - geography or history, and students are encouraged to study a language because of the long-term benefits to their careers of doing so.

Compulsory Subjects

Subject Options

English Language and Literature (GCSEs) - AQA

Art, Craft and Design (GCSE) - OCR

Mathematics (GCSE) - Edexcel

Business & Enterprise (BTEC Tech)  - Pearson

Combined Science - double award or triple award (GCSE) - AQA

Childcare (NCFE Cache VCERT) - NCFE

Humanities GCSE (History or Geog choice - see options column)

Computer Science (GCSE) - OCR

Core PE (not examined)

Creative iMedia  (OCR Cambridge National Certificate)

Citizenship GCSE

Hospitality and Catering (Vocational Award)  - WJEC

French (GCSE) - AQA

Further Maths GCSE - AQA (through an extracurricular club)

Geography (GCSE) - AQA

History (GCSE) - Edexcel

Music (BTEC Tech) - Pearson

Physical Education - Sport  (BTEC Tech) -  Pearson



Performing Arts: Drama (BTEC Tech)  - Pearson

Performing Arts: Dance(BTEC Tech)  - Pearson

Spanish (GCSE) - AQA

 Options Booklet

Please click here for further information about the courses and to view the options booklet.