Post 16 Curriculum


Curriculum Pathways

At BACA College we offer pathways that involve different qualifications, all of which can lead to further or higher education, apprenticeships or employment.

A full time Level 3 timetable will normally include two or three subjects plus a specialist academy if you choose to do one.  The double BTEC Level 3 is a two year diploma course and the qualification is equivalent to two A-Levels.  The single BTEC is a two year subsidiary diploma and the qualification is equivalent to one A-Level.  You can mix and match single and double BTECs alongside A-Levels to create your preferred choice of subjects.  We are also able to offer a range of Level 2 courses designed to support your progression.

Our Construction Academy provides a dedicated pathway where you will develop skills and secure industry recognised qualifications and certification. Our courses range from Level 1 to Level 3.  Mathematics and English retakes will form part of your programme of study if you were unsuccessful in achieving a grade 4 or higher.

All 16 to 19 study programmes should be designed to provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their career plans. Study programmes should be individually tailored but will typically combine the elements below:

1. Substantial qualifications that stretch students and prepare them for education at the next level or for employment.

At BACA College we offer a level 3 programme that is composed of A Levels, Applied General and Technical Level qualifications. They are flexible programmes built around the needs of individual students.

Our Construction Academy offers a range of level 1, 2 and 3 vocational courses. Students who are not yet ready to begin a qualification at level 2 are offered a tailored study programme that supports them to progress to education at a higher level, employment, or prepare for adult life.

Every study programme has a core learning aim that is recorded in the school census.

2. English and maths where students have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4. 

At BACA College students who do not achieve at least a GCSE grade 4, are required to study English and maths as part of their study programme in each academic year. They are provided with time on their programme to retake these subjects. Students with prior attainment of GCSE grade 2 or below are now able to study towards level 2 Functional Skills or GCSE grade 9 to 4. Once students have achieved either of these, there is no requirement to undertake further English and maths qualifications to meet the condition of funding.

3. All study programmes should include work experience and non-qualification activities, which complement the other elements of the programme and support the student to progress to further or higher education (HE) or to employment.

At BACA College our Media and Early Years, Childcare and Education courses offer work placements. Construction students are supported with finding relevant apprenticeships. 

All students are able to participate in our specialist academy sessions that offer excellent opportunities to support progression in the areas of Sport and Media.

Students are expected to take part in a number of activities across the year which provide them with opportunity to develop a range of ‘soft skills’ including our BACA 100 days. 

The tutor personal development sessions are used to discuss a range of important issues, develop key skills and access further support.  

All students are able to become House Leaders to support student leadership and student voice.

All students receive tailored careers and future planning support. We have a dedicated careers advisor from Elev8 Careers on site to help students with UCAS, CV writing, how to contact employers, developing confidence and providing opportunities to attend relevant apprenticeship and university events. Frequent guest speakers from universities, apprenticeships and volunteering companies also provide further support.

For further information, or other enquiries, please email with your name, your current school, email address and contact phone number.


To find out more about BACA College, please contact us on 01273 691191