Careers Advice
At BACA we know that careers guidance helps students to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices for their future.
The Careers team is lead by our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Lead (CEIAG), Mrs Jodie Bovington, who is there to provide students with careers information and guidance to help them manage the transitions in learning, progress to higher education, and ultimately move into the world of employment. We encourage students to think about what the future might hold and consider - What kind of work might be possible? How will they discover their dream job and find out how to get it?
Working alongside Mrs Bovington, is Careers Advisor Sally Evans, who supports our students as an independant careers advisor. Ms Evans attends the Academy twice a week every fortnight and can be found in the Careers Room in POD 3 to provide personal careers advice to all students. You can contact her at
Whether students have lots of ideas or none at all, BACA’s Careers Advisors are here to help. They support students with discovering the world of work, choosing GCSE options, making college decisions, and applying successfully for apprenticeships, university courses and jobs. BACA’s career advisors broaden student’s awareness of what is possible and inspire them to take advantage of all the opportunities available.
Students can access a range of careers support including:
- Drop in appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays
- Use of careers material in the Pod 3
- Careers assemblies, workshops and talks throughout the year
- One-to-one guidance session in year 10, year 11, and college and on request in other years
Careers Lead Information
Jodie Bovington -
Phone 01273 691191 ext 2022
What is CEIAG?
CEIAG stands for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
School Vision
Our students leave with the core skills to prepare them for the world of work. They are ambitious and confident to take on the challenges of the ever changing workplace. They are knowledgeable of a whole range of options available to them and can make informed choices based on their skill set.
Careers Programme
Careers Calendar
Additional Information
All teachers are part of the careers programme, they ensure in lessons that they reference to the real world context of their lessons and expose their students to the wider range of careers available.
How do our students access careers guidance:
- Get Career Ready
- Careers Lead
- PSHEE Curriculum
- Tutor Time
- Career of the Week
- Trips
- Role Models Project
- IntoUniversity
- Widening Participation
- BACA 100 Enrichment Days
- Options Day
At BACA we track all our students, to ensure each child has the best start to their professional carers.
Gatsby Benchmarks
As a school we follow the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure our pupils receive good careers guidance
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Useful websites
The following websites are also useful for starting to think about your future options:
Get Career Confident offers the following online resources as well:
Barclays lifeskills - National Careers Service -National Health Service - Nursing and Midwifery Council - Army - RAF - Navy - Ministry of Defence - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths - Careers inform from the automotive industry
Careers Research - Advice and guidance to parents & carers with regards to the options open to students after leaving school - Careers films on the web - Careers Advice, Choices & Ideas - Prepare students for a rapidly changing world - Discover and explore careers you'll love - Online careers resource - General information for young people - School Leaver Career and Course Information
A levels - Making A level choices - Brief outline of subjects and where they may lead
Apprenticeships - To register and see vacancies - To see local Training Providers - Science, Engineering & Manufacturing Tech - Southern Water
Universities All you need to find the right uni! - League tables and rankings - Represents 20 leading UK universities - How to apply and much more
Routes other than university - the one stop site for apprenticeships,
gap years, distance learning and jobs
Building a network of people who could help you
The Aldridge Foundation has launched Aldridge Connect, a free site on the social media platform LinkedIn, which has over 27 million users in the UK and focuses on jobs and careers. Joining can help you grow professional connections in industries that interest you; gives you immediate access to a network of all Aldridge students AND professional companies; and provides help with CVs.
Volunteering - Gap year/volunteering
Work experience
Study abroad