Family Partnerships

Family Partnerships

BACA has an experienced team who work with families to assist with their transition into the Academy.  This means that we can offer appropriate support for individual needs.

We believe in fostering close links between homes and school.  Therefore, at BACA, parents and carers are welcomed, informed and involved in their child’s education.

Good communication between the academy and parents/carers is important to us. There are various events throughout the year giving parents and carers the opportunity to socialise and meet each other as well as meet members of the academy team. We communicate with parents/carers via a smartphone app and letters home to keep everyone up-to-date on important issues, meetings and forthcoming events.  In addition, academic progress is tracked each term and the annual school report and Parents' Evenings allow parents/carers, students and staff to review student progress.

We greatly value the support of parents/carers of students at BACA whether it is by supporting your child in their interests and activities at the academy or by giving up your time to help organise events at the Academy.