Learning Support
At BACA, we have a team of staff who cater for the diverse needs of our students, from Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to Gifted and Talented, to ensure that all students are supported and able to access the National Curriculum at an appropriate level.
All accessibility planning for disabled pupils complies with paragraph 3 of schedule 10 of the Equalities Act 2010. BACA's SEND learning support increases the student's ability to participate in the curriculum and improves the availability of accessible information to disabled students. The Academy is dedicated to improving the physical environment of the school allowing disabled pupils to benefit from the school's facilities and services.
Students get a varying amount of curriculum time in English and mathematics, depending on their needs. All year 7 and 8 students have additional literacy lessons, and with the introduction of Accelerated Reader a very positive reading culture is embedded within the Academy.
Students needing support to achieve expected standards are supported by one-to-one tutors, Learning Support Assistants and Higher Level Teaching Assistants.
SEN Co-ordinator (SENCo): Mrs Farrah Heerah
Contact Email: fheerah@baca-uk.co.uk
Advisory SEN Co-ordinator (SENCo): Ms Nicola Keene
Contact Email: nkeene@baca-uk.co.uk
SWAN Centre
The Swan Centre is an inclusive provision for students with speech, language and communication needs or autistic spectrum conditions. This specialist centre is managed by Brighton and Hove Council and located within BACA.
The aim of the Swan Centre is to enable students to access mainstream secondary education, both within the curriculum and the social environment. Therefore, students in the Swan Centre are also dual registered at BACA. All students have an individual timetable consisting of a combination of targeted intervention lessons in the Swan Centre and curriculum classes with support from the Swan Centre team and independently where appropriate.
The Swan Centre works as part of a team of professionals including a speech and language therapist and an educational psychologist.
Students are placed in the Swan Centre by a Brighton and Hove Council panel and need to have a statement for SEN/or one of the new Education Health and Care Plans (EHC Plan) with primary cause for autism or speech, language and communication needs. Although the Swan Centre is not open to all students within BACA, they support lots of BACA students with lunch clubs, morning clubs and reverse integrate students into groups who have similar needs and may be on the speech and language case load or autistic.
For further information please contact Catherine Oddhayward coddhayward@baca-uk.co.uk (Head of Swan Centre)
Download the Swan Centre Brochure.